HUSKEY 650 H.T. OIL - A pure synthetic-based, high temperature oil fortified with molybdenum disulfide (moly). Designed primarily for long service in severe high-temperature service requirements. Applications include bearings and chains operating in ovens, paint dryers, heat treating, mills, etc.
Operating temperature -35°F to 500°F;
Dry Film to 850°F.
HUSKEY SGL-800 SERIES OILS - Are heavy duty, extreme pressure synthetic oils designed for use under severe service applications such as extremely high or low temperatures. They were formulated primarily for heavy-duty industrial enclosed gear sets and heavily loaded plain and roller brearings. Due to their outstanding high temperature and low carbon forming characteristics, they are an excellent choice for high temperature chains and bearings found in lithograph ovens, dryers, kilns and tenter frames, etc.
Available in ISO grades 68, 100, 150, 220, 320 and 460.
HUSKEY S-800 Series Oils are formulated from pure synthetic base stocks then coupled with the latest additives available to assure maximum wear, oxidation and corrosion protection. HUSKEY S-800 Oils Series were primarily designed for all types of air compressors. These versatile oils are offered in several viscosity grades to meet the different needs of rotary vane, screw type and reciprocating compressors. Because of their excellent anti-wear, anti foaming and wide temperature characteristics, they exhibit outstanding performance when used as turbine oils, hydraulic oil, gear oils, and chain oils.
Available in ISO Grades 32, 46, 68, and 100
HUSKEY OCL-G Series Oven Chain Oils are formulated from selected blend of high viscosity index synthetic esters and premium additives coupled with HUSKEY'S newest proprietary extreme pressure additive which forms a tough durable film of protection from friction, wear and corrosion over a wide temperature range to over 550°F. HUSKEY OCL-G Series Oven Chain Oils were designed for chain and bearing applications in lithograph ovens, heat treating, paint dryers, kilns, stenter frame chains and most other high temperature conditions. Due to their excellent low foaming and anti-wear characteristics they also an excellent choice for heavy-duty industrial enclosed gear sets that require an ISO 220 or ISO 320 grade oil.
Available in ISO Grades 220 and 320
HUSKEY OCL C-603 Chain Oil is a pure synthetic, heavy-duty, clear, non-staining, high temperature chain oil designed to provide long lasting protection from friction, wear and corrosion over a wide temperature range to over 500°F. HUSKEY OCL-C 603 was primarily designed for lubrication of high temperature, high speed chains, bearings and guides used in painting and printing oven applications. However, the colorless aspect of HUSKEY OCL-C 603 lends itself to uses where no staining of the product by a chain oil is required. It was developed to have a low surface tension for penetrating into the pin of the chain where lubrication is critical.
HUSKEY LPC GEAR OILS are high performance, full synthetic, all-purpose gear oils formulated with HUSKEY'S new proprietary SEM (Surface Eutectic Modification) additive. The revolutionary new SEM technology makes it a Lower Power Consumption (LPC) gear oil, hence the name LPC Gear Oil. They offer maximum wear protection under extreme operating conditions such as vibrations, scuffing, oscillating motions and shock loads, where metal asperity contact occurs. They meet or exceed all major gear oil specifications, original equipment manufacturer requirements and wind turbine manufacturers. HUSKEY LPC GEAR OILS may be used on all worm, spur, herringbone and planetary industrial gear sets. Some applications include highly loaded gear boxes used in the paper, steel, oil, textile, lumber and cement industries where gear protection and maximum oil life are required. Because they protect against micro-pitting wear, have excellent filterability and a wide temperature range, HUSKEY LPC GEAR OILS are highly recommended for wind turbines. Available in I.S.O. Grades 220, 320 and 460